The Queensland Police Union of Employees’ (QPUE) charter is to provide the highest possible standard of representation for the benefit and protection of its Members in:

  • Industrial and Legal Matters
  • Social and Political Issues

We strive to provide relevant and timely communication on issues affecting, or of an interest to Members and advance, enhance and promote the profession of policing in the best interests of Members.

We aim to:

  • Provide additional benefits to Members and their families and contribute in a positive way to the well being of the community

It is agreed that:

  • Provided that no part of the QPUE's funds shall be paid to any political party or organisation, the Union may affiliate with a political party or organisation after approval of such action by a referendum of the QPUE membership.

We act as intermediary between Members of the QPUE and their employer and promote goodwill, discipline and honesty in the Police Service.
For information on joining the QPUE please call 3259 1900 and ask for a Membership Kit.